Night Out Ch. 02: Good Morning

The chill of the morning brushed against her cheek; Evy began to stir despite the wild night from before. Her stomach began to whisper its hunger; the need to use the bathroom tickled at the back of her mind. The warmth and coziness from being in bed made her not want to leave until she found herself searching more for its source.

Rolling over, Evy reached until her hands made contact with skin. A body. The flashbacks from the night crashed into focus as the grogginess and sleep began to leave her. Her wondering eyes peeked from under the covers as her leg brushed against his. The moment of contact sent a tingle down her spine, reminding her of the night with him. Evy gasped at this stranger in her bed, unsure of how to carry on. He didn't make any moves to leave that night, and in truth, she didn't want him to go. But should she wake him up? Or leave him alone to wake up in an unfamiliar room.

Inhaling deeply, replaying the night, Evy chewed her lip knowing they were up late. It was past the night and into the early morning, a chance that she was awake during the current hour. For the first time, she was unsure of how to handle a situation. Anyone else would have been encouraged to leave with no hints of being able to stay the night. But June wore her out so well she barely remembered falling asleep.

Her room was dimly lit, as heavy curtains blocked out the light but, she could make out a silhouette of June's features. They were angular with high cheekbones and lips that dared her to kiss again. He also had a youthfulness that made her wonder his age.

Why am I getting worked up over this? It was a hookup.

Taking a few moments, she decided it was weird to watch him in the dark and managed to slip out of bed. The cold gave her goosebumps as she searched for her robe and slippers, and June mumbled, sleep talking and making zero sense in response to her absence in bed. He was still deeply asleep.

"This is going to be an awkward morning," Evy whispered as she made her way into the bathroom to freshen up, take care of her needs, and brush her teeth. She decided to leave a new toothbrush on the counter in-case her unexpected guest would also like fresh breath.

Evy then crept by her bedroom to see if June had awakened yet. But, he continued on, lightly snoring and fast asleep so she made her way to the kitchen.

It was 10 minutes past 11 while she wondered what she should do. If June had not been asleep in her bed, she most likely would have well slept until noon. The gentle ache she felt from their tumble in the sheets would have warranted it but also limited her options in comfort for things she could take care of on a Sunday.

"I'll definitely have to wash those sheets."

Evy began to heat some water for instant coffee or tea, which she preferred and, debated what to eat. Her mind was racing, attempting to process what their night meant. But she was doing everything she could to avoid it, anything to keep her hands busy. In truth, she wasn't even hungry.

Their situation was so unique; his not leaving in the night left options. What if everything was a one and done? She didn't even know him or anything about him. Did she want to do anything else with him?

Finally, she made herself busy with her hands to quiet her mind and prepared ingredients for a giant omelet. Delicately, she chopped up green peppers and onions, getting lost in the motions. So lost that Evy didn't notice June until he gently tapped on her shoulder, making her scream, heart thudding wildly in her chest.

"Fuck...uh I'm sorry and good morning, I think. Do you mind if I clean up, I'll try to be quick?" A nod could be seen as she caught his appearance in the light, admiring him with his hair pulled back. She was astonished at what he was able to do to transform. He was attractive either way but this morning after was hard to read. June had finally awakened but seemed skittish.

"June? I uh left a toothbrush for you also." She managed out as he gave a grateful thank you and retreated down the hallway to the bathroom.

It was about 15 minutes later as she had finished cooking and June emerged wet, almost naked. She wasn't complaining in the slightest but, circumstances pushed her to ask why he was standing there only in a towel.

"Evy...sorry to ask for anything else but uh. I don't have anything to wear." She watched the blush spread across his face and her response slipped through her lips, "Shit."

He sat on her bed as she tore through her room for anything that could fit him. All of the pants June tried came to an awkward length. They stopped at his calves or barely held due to the contrast in her shapely form. Evy had suddenly remembered an ex's sweatpants. But, of course, when she needed them, they were nowhere to be found.

Silence fell over the room as June watched her dig through her closet and every so often make glances at the bed, lost in thoughts of what they did.

But no one wanted to speak of it, every time Evy gathered a slither of courage she'd catch June with a guilty look. And what exactly could she say?

Suddenly her phone began to vibrate on the nightstand and she asked June to grab it for her. He reached across the bed, loosening his grip on the towel, to grab the phone while she secretly watched appreciatively. As he returned, he didn't bother to fix the seemed silly considering where they were and everything that had happened.

June watched Evy unlock her phone to listen to the voice message, she then furiously texted back a reply and began to look around frantically. "My roommate, also my best friend, will be here around 12. That gives us about 20 minutes."


They managed to find the ex's sweat pants that fit June and a decent-sized shirt since Evy had plenty of oversized ones to sleep in. She also had many sneakers in which they wore the same size and gave him a pair.

With June fully dressed, they finally looked at each other and smiled. He looked like he was thinking of something to say until they heard the distinct sound of keys and the front door opening.

"Honey I'm home!" Angie screamed as she made her way inside the apartment, Evy and June made their way out of the bedroom to meet her in the kitchen.

"June meet Angela aka Angie, my nosey best friend, and roommate." He smiled and waved a shy hello as she gave a deer in the headlights look not knowing anyone else was over. It could be seen that she had also helped herself to half of the omelet Evy had prepared.

"I uh...had also made you something to eat in case you were hungry and wanted it but there is still the option of tea or coffee," Evy said flatly as she glared at Angie, who began to make herself scarce. Further down the hall and out of June's view you could see her mouthing "Who is that?" with suggestive eyebrows making Evy roll her eyes.

June figured she was going to be busy with her best friend and he couldn't find the words to even bring up their encounter.

"Thank you for everything, I can't possibly take anything else from you." With a bag in hand that contained his dress and shoes out of sight, he confirmed his uber and gave one last glance at Evy before heading out the door. She watched in silence as her mind raced and her stomach felt fluttery. The urgency began to rise as he walked further away from her apartment, almost down the stairs.

She wasn't sure what to make of anything they did last night or how they came to meet, but the further he got away, the more she wanted to stop him. She realized she didn't want him to go completely and called out, "June?"

"Yes?" He replied mid-step.

"Text me." She stepped out of the doorframe with her tiny robe barely secured and threatening to come open, just to make sure he had her number.


June's ride home to his apartment was a blur, the clothes he wore smelled of her which brought back his memories of their Uber together. He could feel phantom fingers between his legs and felt the blood rushing until the ride was almost over.

"Thanks." He muttered before he adjusted himself and slid out of the car after grabbing his bag, feeling the sun beaming down on his skin. He flipped open his phone case feeling for the apartment key and let himself in. He was met with a surprised roommate, Mark, who gave him a wide grin.

"Bro where have you been? Not like you to be out longer than me!" He walked up to June smiling and laughing with glee. "Aye yo did you bring take out, what's in the bag?"

"Fuck off," June mumbled blushing with a small grin as he made his way to his room. He could feel Mark outside the door as he made kissing sounds and commented on his clothes.

"Damn J, you must have had a hell of a night if you aren't even wearing your own clothes."

June didn't reply, he just thought of how right he was and finally let all his thoughts flood his brain.

Why her?

He was taken back by his first real experience, doing his makeup and going all out with a full outfit in public. It was by chance that the night turned out the way it did, as he almost didn't go, it was enough with him having to sneak out on a night Mark wasn't around. Then he had the risky idea of leaving some clothes to change into near the apartments when he returned during the night. But meeting someone was the furthest idea he could have expected.

June thought back to the reveal in the women's bathroom, the pang of excitement and fright that ran through his chest. Under different circumstances, he would have thought it was the sign of a heart attack but, the look on Evy's face was imprinted on his brain. She had a look of acceptance thinking he was a woman; it morphed into processing new information after he revealed his secret and ultimately, excitement. She had seemed to be as turned on as he was, but he couldn't decide if it was due to the alcohol or heat of the moment and was too afraid to find out.

A few hours had passed as he continued to think about it all until Mark knocked on his door, "J, I'm heading to the gym. You in or are you just going to do your Aquaman thing?"

June opened the door just to give Mark a look, he knew he didn't lift weights due to a past accident that fractured his forearm and shoulder blade, but loved to give him shit about it. June also loved swimming overall which was a bonus considering it acts as the best form of exercise since his accident.

But after Mark left, he enjoyed the peace of having the apartment alone and hand washed the dress that he could claim was his sister's if asked. She did come over often and leave her clothes which took up a bit of his closet space. It also led to his initial discovery of his interest in cross-dressing, as one curious night he slipped into something that could fit.

Thinking of his sister, Sam, he decided to text her seeing that for the 5th time, he talked himself out of reaching out to Evy. Mentally drained, he decided to take the rest of the day easy, listening to music, and drifting off.


Evy had come back into her apartment with her brow furrowed, she realized she didn't want that night with June to be her one and only but, it was up to him as she insisted he takes her number instead of trade.

"God, I'm an idiot."

"You might be if you tell me anything other than you will be seeing him again?" Angie had made her way back into the kitchen and plopped herself comfortably on the couch. Evy gave her a sly smile as a look of horror came across Angie's face, "Girl no! You didn't? Not on our couch!"

"We didn't do anything bad there, you're safe for now. That's what you get for snooping." Evy replied as she made her way over to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of tea before wobbling over to the couch as Angie gave her a knowing look.

"He put it on you like that? Where did you find him? And did I mention he was F-I-N-E?"

Evy laughed as she thought of June dressed up all femme and his after, barefaced and still exciting her. But she didn't know how to go about it, was he normally into guys? Was he bi? Was he a 'he' identity wise?

She cradled her tea as it cooled, wrapped in her thoughts, and slowly took sips until it was all gone. All she could do was wait and endure the upcoming week. Either she would be hearing from June again or attempting to forget him entirely.

Angie could see the deep thought Evy was in and wondered what had her best friend gotten into to have thoughts so entangled with a stranger. They relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day cleaning up and watching tv. Until Angie couldn't hold it in anymore and blurted out, " how big was it? I think I saw an outline against his pant leg. And weren't those Rodney's old pants? You lied to me when you told me you set them on fire!"

Evy snort laughed as she waved her hand in the air as if it could physically break up the words directed toward her.

"Some secrets I take to the grave...but why do you think I'm limping."

They laughed and cackled on the couch dreading the upcoming work week but Angie had a final question, "Who was that chick in the photo you sent me?"


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